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Love and loyalty to God the ultimate choices

November 7, 2021 12:45 pm by: Category: Analysis, Featured, OPINION & ANALYSIS Leave a comment A+ / A-

WHY is it that Jehovah God does not impose His will upon people?

This is the question I always ask myself.

Jehovah created us, gave us life, loved us and blessed us with the ability to choose what is good or wrong.

Yet, humans still find it necessary to turn against their Creator.

What beats me to the bone marrow is that despite Jehovah loving us as His children, we as humans have a tendency not to love Him back.

Some people would query this theme of this True Gospel, which is centred on why say humans do not reciprocate Jehovah God’s love.

It’s true!

Humans’ wickedness, evil intentions and the worshiping of false gods are all prevalent.

People have embraced controversial cultural and traditional habits that clearly disapprove Jehovah’s commandments.

Humans love hero-worshipping the devil – Lucifer.

While each one of us has the ability to make choices, let it be known Jehovah God did not create people just to become robots.

Deuteronomy 30:19 of the New Living Translation confirms: “Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!”

While it is evident that evil does exist side-by-side with Jehovah God, does this mean Jehovah is not able to rule evil?

The answer is a big NO!

Further in the book of Joshua 24:15 of the New King James Version: “And if it seems evil to you to serve the LORD, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.”

Jehovah God allows us to have our own choices.

This is in order to use our freedom to make good choices.

As always, humans are not always careful hence making unwise decisions.

This means that humans must personally decide whether we want to be loyal to our Jehovah and prove that we really love Him whole heartedly.

When humans make wise choices, they make Jehovah’s heart rejoice.

According to the book of Proverbs 11:20 of the New Living Translation: “The LORD detests people with crooked hearts, but he delights in those with integrity.”

Jehovah God always wants His children to be wise and make His heart glad by doing good things.

Proverbs 27:11 of the New Living Translation asserts: “Be wise, my child, and make my heart glad. Then I will be able to answer my critics.”

Humans make the Creator of the universe happy when they obey Him. Jehovah wants humans’ love for Him to move them to make good decisions so that they can have the best life possible.

Fellow brethren, I urge you to choose good over evil.

Brothers and sisters, fathers and mothers, those who believe in this True Gospel, say amen!

Feedback:, TWITTER, @SaviousKwinika, FACEBOOK, Savious-Parker Kwinika, INSTAGRAM: Savious_Parker_Kwinika

Love and loyalty to God the ultimate choices Reviewed by on . True Gospel with SAVIOUS-PARKER KWINIKAWHY is it that Jehovah God does not impose His will upon people? This is the question I always ask myself. Jehovah create True Gospel with SAVIOUS-PARKER KWINIKAWHY is it that Jehovah God does not impose His will upon people? This is the question I always ask myself. Jehovah create Rating: 0
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