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Dare the Almighty at your own selfish peril

April 5, 2017 6:03 pm by: Category: Africa & World, Analysis, Arts & Culture, ENTERTAINMENT, Featured, Local, National, NEWS, OPINION & ANALYSIS Leave a comment A+ / A-


BELIEVERS must not dare cheat themselves by thinking Jehovah God is either hungry or thirsty for worship by his Creation.

Instead, the Creator of both heaven and earth is capable of replacing such stubborn believers by simply turning stones into new breed of human beings to worship Him in totality.

The Almighty Jehovah God can do away with such believers by turning stones into new people so that they start praising Him in truth and faith.

When He takes such necessary, believe me, by the time the stubborn believer realizes, they will be history and stuck in the dustbin. It will be a case of too little late.

More so, God is not scared of destroying such politicians, false prophets, church founders, pastors and evangelists misleading His people by preaching deceptive, confusing and false gospel messages in various churches where believers are being taught to glorify human beings, particularly church founders and their spouses at the expense of Jehovah God.

The Jehovah God I’m preaching here is not a respecter of persons. Not at all! He demands that His will be done and that He is served with righteousness.

God also condones rebellion against false prophets and disobedient political leaders.

He supports rebellion against church leaders when they depart from His righteousness in pursuit of their selfish gains spurred by corruption and greed.

Even politicians, their wayward spouses are not exempt from His sanctioned rebellion.

In the book of 2 Kings 9:7, Jehovah God, through His prophet, Elisha, anoints Jehu mainly to rebel against King Ahab.

I like much the New Living Translation, which reads: “You (Jehu) are to destroy the family of Ahab (your king), your master. In this way, I will avenge the murder of my prophets and all the LORD’s servants who were killed by Jezebel.”

God can cause rebellion against such unruly, self-willed, headstrong, insubordinate and undisciplined politicians or church founders.

Through such action, their self-serving interests are quashed.

Imagine, in some countries people are forcibly disappeared when they oppose misrule and lack of respect of human rights. These are the kind of perpetrators Jehovah God would deal with. An example is Zimbabwean journalist-cum-activist Itai Dzamara, abducted in broad daylight and never over two years into his kidnapping. This act by perpetrators of this evil is unacceptable in the eyes of Jehovah God.

What I’m about to share happened before to Ahab, the King of Israel, when he was replaced in his throne by little-known Jehu.

Funnily, Jehu was anointed in the bush at Ramoth Gilead in place of Ahab by Prophet Elisha while the king was busy wining and dining in his palace.

It also happened to the mighty-but- stubborn King Saul when a Sheppard boy called David replaced him. Prophet Samuel anointed David while the latter was herding sheep and goats at the expense of King Saul, while he was at the comfort of his glittering throne in his lavish palace.

God is well-known for raising such people of no names to become leaders of repute.

1 Samuel 16:11 confirms the True Gospel. Here we see the prophet Samuel ask Jesse, who is David’s father: “Are these all the sons you have?”

Jesse replied: “There is still the youngest. But he’s out in the fields watching the sheep and goats.”

We see Prophet Samuel anoint David in the presence of his brothers.

The scriptures read, “Samuel took the flask of olive oil he had brought and anointed David with the oil. And the Spirit of the LORD came powerfully upon David from that day on. Then Samuel returned to Ramah.”

I can go on and on citing the examples.

Joseph, who was sold by his brothers, but later on, when the anointing from his father Jacob began to work, he became governor of Egypt, defying his brothers’ corrupt and jealous tendencies.

Isn’t it amazing that God can cause things to happen within a very short space of time, unimagined by people?

To contextualize this, in an African perspective, likewise, leaders currently in the throne yet abusing the power through corruption can always be removed. That is how Jehovah God works – intervening when least expected.

So, to you all dictators, false prophets and misleading church leaders, stop your deceptive and sinful acts to become righteous. You are dispensable. Jehovah God is capable of raising a new breed of prophets, leaders and politicians to lead in a proper manner where there is no fear or favour.

This week, I sound harsh, isn’t it? I am supercharged. I’m a messenger relaying Jehovah God’s message so that you and I are saved.

Even at our various workplaces, if employees dare abuse the trust given to them by their employers and become thick-headed, believe me, they can be easily fired in the wink of an eye. Such workers can be done without. There is life after them. They will not be missed.

No worker is ever bigger than the company or a messenger bigger than the gospel.

If Jehovah God had created you and I in the first place, the ironic is that the same God can still create other creatures using His supernatural powers.

Similarly at companies where work, if you have been employed to do the work but abuse the privilege, you are attracting the axe upon yourself. Willing workers littered throughout will be able replacements.

Let us be reminded we are not the Alpha and Omega in this work of Jehovah God or the position we have been appointed.

The Almighty is ever calling new believers daily. He is doing so without fear or favour, and successfully so.

Remember Jehovah God I’m preaching in this True Gospel is no respecter of people.

Romans 2:9-11 confirms my teaching.

It reads, “There will be trouble and calamity for everyone who keeps on doing what is evil–for the Jew first and also for the Gentile. But there will be glory and honor and peace from God for all who do good–for the Jew first and also for the Gentile. For God does not show favoritism.”

Further in the book of Acts 10:33-34, “So I sent for you immediately, and it was good of you to come. Now we are all here in the presence of God to listen to everything the Lord has commanded you to tell us. I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism.”

What worries me most is our people do not seem to learn at all. From the books of Genesis up until Revelations, there was never a single man who rose to fight Jehovah God and won. Never! Yet, men keep defying the Almighty Jehovah God. Phew!

If you think you can kill the people being anointed by Jehovah God to relay His message, think again. I would urge yourself to apply your mind clearly. Think again fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters, because this God can raise many more to relay His message.

When ancient kings became self-serving and stubborn, became obsessed and corrupted by power, they thought they would kill all prophets. Little did they know Jehovah God would raise Elijah and then anoint Elisha……the list of prophets is endless.

Jehovah God raised other major prophets such as Daniel, Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel.

Other prophets elevated and uplifted by Jehovah God included the likes of Amos, Habakkuk, Haggai, Hosea, Joel, Jonah, Malachi, Micah, Nahum, Obadiah, Zechariah and Zephaniah.

God lifted them to spearhead His work incorruptibly, imperishably, indestructibly, honestly, trustworthy, properly, correctly, righteously, morally, ethically and respectably.

Those who believe in this True Gospel say, “Amen!”

Feedback,, TWITTER: @SaviousKwinika

Dare the Almighty at your own selfish peril Reviewed by on . [caption id="attachment_5920" align="alignleft" width="300"] True Gospel with SAVIOUS-PARKER KWINIKA[/caption] True Gospel with SAVIOUS-PARKER KWINIKA BELIEVERS [caption id="attachment_5920" align="alignleft" width="300"] True Gospel with SAVIOUS-PARKER KWINIKA[/caption] True Gospel with SAVIOUS-PARKER KWINIKA BELIEVERS Rating: 0

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