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Urgent appeal for the intervention of Armageddon

August 8, 2017 5:56 pm by: Category: Africa & World, Analysis, Arts & Culture, ENTERTAINMENT, Featured, Leisure, Local, National, NEWS, OPINION & ANALYSIS Leave a comment A+ / A-


JEHOVAH God, we eagerly wait for your Armageddon to come now and rescue us. It has been long overdue.

Where I travel all over the world, your people are always tossed around by the Devil and his forces of darkness masquerading as governments.

The buzzwords- civilization, democracy, rule of law and human rights- have completely failed us.

Some powerful nations advocating these principles are the ones sponsoring wars so that they take advantage of the chaos and loot weaker nations’ resources.

The so-called political superpowers of this world, including economic giants of this world and their leaders have all failed us.

Politicians we have elected to lead, protect and govern us have failed.

Lucifer has influenced these leaders and rolled them to monsters that have turned against their subjects.

Even in churches where we worship, we are no longer taught to honour you, the true Sovereign Lord Jehovah God. Instead, we are always bombarded with such teachings of honouring only thy church founders, so-called prophets, pastors and their spouses.

We are flooded with such teachings that are not of salvation but are doctrines to glorify human beings. We are influenced to neglect our biological parents and the only true living Jehovah God.

Even giving, the kind of giving being taught today in churches is only for pastors, church founders, prophets and their inner circle.

The underprivileged are suffering.

Widows and orphans have nobody to look for them anymore. Women and children are being abused with nobody coming to their rescue.

Demons have taken over your church where false prophets always demand money to pray for the sick, lame including those troubled by unlean spirits. The church, which used to be a place of sanctuary, has become a bowl for milking believers of the resources you bless them with.

According to Matthew 24:24, you warned us: “For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.”

Oh Lord, Almighty Jehovah God, please come back to establish your Heavenly Kingdom upon this earth.

We believe we are ready for you to come. Even though we are sinners, we know you shall rule us with fairness, just, mercy and kindness. Without you Jehovah God and your begotten son-Jesus Christ, our personal safety and sound economic future are no longer guaranteed on this planet.

I notice even in relationships, men and women are no longer faithful to each other. They always value money in place of true love. We know in true love there is prosperity, breakthroughs and your anointing but we are taught single parenthood is the way to go.

The devil is confusing your people, oh, Jehovah God.

Girls are taught to have premature pregnancies before terminating them.

Governments sponsor such girls who kill unborn babies while the world celebrates.

You also made a man to marry a woman, but today, it is the opposite, a man is marrying a man while a woman marrying a fellow female and the world ululates.

Your HEAVENLY government, which is not corruptible, merciful, kind, just, fair, tolerant and forgiving is greatly missed Jehovah God.

This world has completely failed us. We therefore urgently plead with you to unleash your Armageddon now to liberate us from the earthly governments that are cruel.

We are sick and tired of being led by earthly politicians who are corrupt, greedy, selfish and caters for cronies.

Those we elected have turned against us. They beat us, kill us, throw us in jails without committing any crimes, harass our children and families, ridicule us and violate our rights.

These leaders don’t want to share power. When their terms of office end, they always manipulate the constitution in order to rule us by force, even when we are crying day and night.

Politicians of this world, especially my continent Africa, always want to rule with impunity. When such leaders become old, or no longer serving interests of those that elected them, they become violent.

Those who raise voices are imprisoned for no reason while others are kidnapped at night with no trace.

We desperately need you Jehovah God. If not willing to come down on earth personally, then send the Holy Spirit to defeat these politicians and emerging new church founders masquerading as prophets. Your people have cried, Oh, Jehovah God.

Father God, please, hear my prayers Jehovah God. Holy Spirit, I know you always protect and guide me, but at this point in time, please, we desperately require your HEAVENLY kingdom to come down and govern us.

We have been abused, taken advantage of, and ridiculed by the corrupt leaders we trusted them with such power to lead countries and the world so that we may all live in peace, harmony and tranquility.

The earthly governments have been a huge flop. We need you Jehovah God to urgently come and defeat this Luficer, Satan or Devil and his forces of darkness masquerading as African, American, Asian, European and Middle East governments.

I, personally, came to realise your HEAVENLY government is the only authentic and most reliable, faithful and responsible.

Oh Sovereign Almighty Jehovah God, you assured us in the book of Malachi 4:1-3 that all wicked people, kings, their wives and children, except those that govern with your authority shall not be spared.

“Surely the day is coming; it will burn like a furnace. All the arrogant and every evildoer will be stubble, and the day that is coming will set them on fire,” says the LORD Almighty.

“Not a root or a branch will be left to them. But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays. And you will go out and frolic like well-fed calves. 3.Then you will trample on the wicked; they will be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day when I act,” says the LORD Almighty.

Further in the book of Matthew 25:32-33 you stated: “All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.

“Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world.”

Xenophobia, tribalism, racism and creed are taking centre stage wherever we do business or look for jobs.

Hate has actually replaced love.

Murder has replaced peace and harmony.

Worse still, false prophets are feasting on unsuspecting believers who do not know your word.

Due to global economic recession, suffering and poverty, Satan has taken advantage of your vulnerable people.

Oh Jehovah God, you promised in Revelation 16:16 where the last great battle of the ages will take place will liberate all those who seek your true face and salvation.

I’m quite aware this will coincide with the second coming of Jesus Christ where all of the hosts of evil will be defeated, but I appeal to you, come now.

This world is cruel. This world is wicked.

Those who believe in this True Gospel say AMEN! For feedback,, TWITTER: @SaviousKwinika



Urgent appeal for the intervention of Armageddon Reviewed by on . [caption id="attachment_6980" align="alignleft" width="300"] True Gospel with SAVIOUS-PARKER KWINIKA[/caption] True Gospel with SAVIOUS-PARKER KWINIKA JEHOVAH G [caption id="attachment_6980" align="alignleft" width="300"] True Gospel with SAVIOUS-PARKER KWINIKA[/caption] True Gospel with SAVIOUS-PARKER KWINIKA JEHOVAH G Rating: 0

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